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Trademark Registration

Trademark being as a powerful tool offers a unique platform to distinguish the different companies dealing in the same products and services. Trademark has played an outstanding role while depicting as a graphical representative to the various companies globally. Trademark is a business mark that used to define the nature and the product of a particular company in order to maintain its goodwill and reputation in the corporate market. Trademark may be of logo, phase, text, words or combination of these elements that can use to design a smart and well versed trademark that can communicate with its target audience.

Trademark Registration Process

In this corporate sector, it has mostly been seen that the trademarks of top rated companies have lost their goodwill in the business market on being getting infringement. Thus, to protect the trademark from being getting misuse or infringe, it is necessary to get a trademark registration in order to register its business mark and design, so that no one can copy or misuse in the corporate market. Well, different countries operate their own methods of trademark registration where in India the trademark registry was formed in the year of 1940 that follow the process of Trade Marks Act, 1999, an amended trademark rules and regulations. Under this act, trademark registration process follows the criteria of designing / searching the unique trademark, filing the application for trademark; need to submit other documents and forms along with trademark registration application. After approval of trademark application, you will assign with trademark registration certificate.

Trademark Registration Fees

Trademark registration fees vary from one IP country to another. Different countries that contribute in intellectual property laws and regulations generally follow their own criteria and fees structure for trademark registration fees. Here, in India the trademark registration fees would remain the same whether to register logo, text, phase, wordings or of any type. Trademark registration fees are required to submit to registrar of trademark office during the trademark registration process.

Thus, here at trademarkregistrationindia, bring you with detail services about trademark registration and related fields including search, infringement, classification and lots more. Thus, just mail us through the below mentioned form where we will bring you with credential services at your door step.

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