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FCRA Registration

The FCRA registration has approved thorough security inspection of the past history and activities of the organization and office bearers thereof. The foreign contribution regulation act was endorsed in the year 1976 with the main objective of regulating the acceptances. The organizations looking for foreign contributions for specific cultural, economic, social, educational or religious programmes may either find registration to receive foreign involvement from ministry of home affairs by making application in the approved format and furnishing details of the activities and audited accounts.

FCRA Registration in India

FCRA is the act which synchronized receiving of foreign contribution by both political and non-political parties. This is the most important rule for those receiving foreign contribution. FCRA registration in India is very significant to limit the various illegal dealings which are unfavorable to the attention of our country. After the releasing of foreign contribution regulation act 1976 we are to some level successful in limitation these illegal agreements. The main purpose behind the passing of the FCRA is to control the use of foreign funds and hospitality for despicable activities.

We are the leading firm in India provide FCRA registration in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Bangalore and any other cities. Our FCRA department also searches for report from the intelligence bureau about the record of that particular organization .On the basis of the report if the FCRA department considers robust then it will grant FCRA registration. We as a service provider presents you service on FCRA registration in India according to your budget. Our specialist team of professional will provide you all useful information about the FCRA registration and related queries.

FCRA Registration in Delhi
IPR Services