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FPO Registration

FPO - Fruit Products Order is one of the authenticity tools being established by the Ministry of Food Processing Industries. FPO registration is to put into existence to ensure the high quality of food products across the country. With the rise in competition and curious to earn more, many companies are becoming unfair and trying to misuse with their product qualities. Therefore, to ensure with credibility and reliability quality of services from food companies, every country runs their fpo registration command. Under this fpo registration, a company needs to pass through various procedures as mentioned by concern authority. Every country needs to have their people with healthy living life style, no one expect to offer unhealthy and poor food quality to their residential. To secure and maintain the quality of food and fruits products, ministry of food specialization and industries have established several guidelines for fooding companies in order toi follow while offering services to their residential.

FPO Registration Process

Every country has its own ministry of food processing industries that govern the rules and regulations for food products. Like in India, the Fruit Products Order, 1955 act is the concern authority under every food and fruits product companies need to be get register. Under process, there are various steps and procedures, like company detail need to be filed under concern authority, checking of product quality at regular interval of time, need certificate from FPO recognized food testing laboratory, verification for pure water supply, manufacturing date of food and lots more steps are need to be followed while fpo registration in india. Thus, it is always better to hire services from prominent fpo legal firm that assist you in complete process of fpo registration services. Here at trademarkregistrationindia, you will team an expertise of fpo attorneys that makes your food company certified by ministry of food industries. Just call us at 8800100281 while availing worthy and exact services in fpo registration.

IPR Services