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New Company Registration

There are various types of company including unlimited company, private limited company, partnership, public limited company, sole proprietorship and many more. All these companies differ with their formation and incorporation rules. But the common thing in these companies is to follow corporate legal services in order to run their business in an appropriate manner. As with the rise in competition and keenness to earn in short duration of time has really made the world full of infringement. Well, in order to protect your new business or start-up company be sure to follow all types of business law services including new company registration.

New Company Registration Procedure

In India, the business sector is being regulated by various concern authorities who serve their roles and responsibilities while launching and amending the various corporate acts. Here in India, you will find numbers of companies and firms that offer wide range of law services ranging from new company registration to llp and trademark registration to patent services.

Procedure for new company registration

  • Obtain Directors Identification Number.
  • Obtain DSC - Digital Signature Certificate.
  • File Form 1A along with ROC approved name.
  • Getting with Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association.
  • Lastly, file an application with ROC for demanding the certificate of incorporation.

Apart from these above steps, there are many other documents that need to be submitted at regular interval of time. Thus, it is worthy to avail services from any of the prominent law firm of India, where you can expect more than your expectations in terms of top rated new company registration in India. Here, at trademarkregistrationindia, a place of legal services that fitted with latest technology in order to serve the corporate mass with all types of business law services. Thus, if you need to comply your business with , new company registration procedure india then just mail us at where we will back with best services.

IPR Services