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Patent Infringement

The Patent Infringement Law is for resolving diverse patent infringement cases in all across the country concerned. In general, the patent infringement law of a country is in force and effective only in that country, as the patents are essentially territorial in scope. But, in case of International and regional patent conventions and treaties, the patent infringement laws are valid in all member countries to such treaties. In present article, we will deal mainly with the act of patent infringement, and resolution of patent infringement cases in india.

A Patent Infringement is violating the legitimate rights of the patent holder, in any way, without his/her/its proper permission in any form, during valid term of the patent. A patent infringement occurs when a person, company, or institution produces and uses commercially the patented invention of other people or entities, without an authorizing and legal permission from them, in the jurisdictions of the country that had granted patent rights to the patent holders. Unauthorized manufacturing, offering for sale, selling, trading, and making various other commercial uses of any patented invention or product, are usual and common means of committing patent infringement. In case of such patent infringement, the patent holder (patentee) has full rights to sue against the infringer for getting relief and compensation for the damages thus caused. Our firm tackles such patent infringement cases rigorously in India and abroad.

Patent Infringement Law in India

In India, there are well-developed provisions for resolving and preventing patent infringement cases, under the Section 104 of the Patents Act, 1970. Interim or permanent injunctions (to prevent the infringers from committing and continuing further the alleged patent infringements), and due compensations for the commercial and social damages caused by infringement are the most equitable solutions. Our internationally reputed law firm has been providing all-round patent infringement law services in all across the country of India, and other countries abroad, perfectly and economically. Hence, our experienced law firm is a well-known name for tackling patent infringement india. Patents in almost all fields of commerce, industry, and profession sectors have been handled expertly by our well-informed, mellow, and discerning patent attorneys, advocates, and litigators. The patent infringement cases in india are to be instituted in the District Courts and High Courts in any States of India. High Courts have the exclusive jurisdiction to resolve cases of revocation also.

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