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Patent Protection

The patent protection to an invention prevents people and entities other than the patent holder, from using the patented matters in part or full, in any way, for personal or commercial objectives. Thus, the patent authorities in the specified country exclude others to manufacture, sell, employ, trade, or make any type of commercial uses of the patented invention, other than the inventor or the patent holder, without proper legal authorization and permission given by the patentee. Any such attempt would be considered as infringement upon the patented invention and legitimate rights of the inventor or patent holder, especially within the term of granted patent protection. The government of the concerned country also gives the patentee the rights to sue against the infringers and get due compensation for the losses and damages caused by commission of infringement. Here, it may be noted that patent protection to the invention (product or process) is enforceable only within the specified country, against all types of infringements. For patent protection in the international arenas, authorities like the World Trade organization (WTO), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the European Patent Organization (EPO), etc, are resorted to. Today, in most of the countries including India, the patent protection period for patents in almost all fields, is around 20 years from the date of filing the patent application.

Patent Protection in India

Patent is a part of an intellectual property where it needs a complete protection at the regular interval of time in order to protect it from being getting misuse by any of the illegitimate party; as with the rise of curiosity among the people in order to earn more in the short period of time; has made the corporate sector full of infringement aspects. That revokes the need of patent protection in India. As we all know about patent; the unique innovative business ideas that need protection not to get copied or any misuse by the third party. Under patent protection; rules are generally carried out to follow the patent registration where we need to describe an innovative idea with the related details to the concern patent authority. This patent registration takes you to the patent protection period of three to five years. Here at trademarkregistrationindia, we introduce you with the detail services in patent protection search as per the patent act 1970 in India with complete package of patent services herewith. Accuracy, reliability and amicable relations are some of the major principles of our team that makes us a favorable center of patent services in India.

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