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TAN Registration

TAN is stated with tax deducted department where a 12 digit alpha numeric reg. number is allotted to the Tan holder for the purpose of tax deduction from the desire income. Tan registration is a process of applying for the verification and allotment of Tan number that further used in tax deduction. It is mandatory to show Tan numbers while TDS deduction but is always beneficial to be used while complying with tax department services. Different income groups pertaining with different scale of tax deduction, thus, every group need to apply for Tan registration as per their income scale. This TAN number and user ID will be used time to time along with TDS and TCS statements. Well, it is always recommended for all types of corporate houses, big / small enterprises to have accompanied with register your tan in order to turn your business under the safe mode.

How To Register Online TAN Registration

With the due advancement in technology, numbers of mode have been discovered by the research authorities. Similarly, online technology has now reached to every corner of the world with its majestic consecration to support varied segments of the economy. In order to comply with tax deduction compliances, you can now easily apply with online tan registration with the support of tan online website. Here, you need to approach to tan registration website and make your necessary information to get tan alpha numerical numbers.

  • Firstly, do approach to TIN website and get register your TAN online
  • Fill the online application with correct information.
  • On successfully registration of application, a 12 digital TAN will be allotted to candidate.
  • Here you need to get printout for this acknowledgement as need for future use.
  • Verify your email id by clicking on sent email on mentioned email id. After verification your TAN number will be register and you will be handed with new TAN account.
  • On getting new TAN account a user ID will be sent over registered email id by the govern authority that TAN holder will use in further cases.
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