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Trademark Agents

Trademark agents offer professional services concerning to the registration, maintenance and protection of trademarks such as word, design, number, two dimensional or three-dimensional form, sound or color, or a combination of two or more of these elements which a trader uses to decide client's products or services from those of client's competitors and serves to create goodwill with the consumer. The responsibility of trademarks agents is many such as preparing, filling and prosecuting applications for registration of trademarks. It has also the responsibility of giving opinions on the registration of trademark in accordance of its related criteria imposed by the law and procedure, practices and conducting.

Trademark Agents in India

As trademark agents in India we focus on growing the value of intellectual property rights, also focused especially on protecting trademarks, brands or logos for our customers. In India, we have provide services as trademark agents in various major cities including Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Chennai and many other cities. We also assist trademark owners in managing their trademark portfolios, including ancillary services.

We look for to find constitutional monopoly rights for our customer's brands. This helps to set up legally recognized intellectual property rights in their trade marks. As trade mark agents, we also look for to register trade marks for their owners. We aspire to provide professional services to all customers. According time to time we have built our business on a solid foundation of core values that treat our customers with respect and we offer good value for money. We also advice trademarks owner in the maintenance and protection of their trademarks which must continue characteristic and properly used at all times.

Trademark Agents in India
IPR Services