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Trademark Application in India

A trademark is considered the identity and the most valuable intangible asset of any organization or institution. Therefore, it needs to be preserved by any means by the owner of the trademark. Trademark application in India in order to register their trademark or sign has been tremendously growing in each passing day. A trademark may be a sign, word, picture or any art which conveys the close relation between goods and services and the business enterprise or the institution. In the recent past, India has been the home of many leading business organizations and service centers in different fields including education, entertainment and hospitality. So, application for trademark services has been rising due to fulfill many new age entrepreneurs. Indian Trademark Registration Act, 1999 offers trademark registration services if one fulfills the terms and conditions as per the rules and regulations. These days, trademark registration fees varies as par the process and complexities involved with trademark search and findings. As per the market, a trademark consultant can charge somewhere around 3000 to 5000 rupees for simple trademark registration but it may go high if there is more research and more legal work involved.

Trademark Application Search

The trademark search is the very first and foremost step in the process of trademark registration and it needs to conduct with keen attention and care. This is extremely vital because if any error happens due to carelessness then, there might be a case of trademark infringement or duplicity. Therefore, a trademark search should be done with the help of a trademark lawyer or a legal professional who has sufficient knowledge about trademark registration. As a trademark have many forms like a sign, symbol, and word or picture to keep the uniqueness of the brand and make a distinction from other brands or companies in order to smooth running of business. Trademark application in India is no longer a tough and hassle activity as there are numbers of law firms are offering these services at best affordable prices. Trade mark registration involves series of process starting from trademark search then filling trademark application form, examination of the application form and publication of the trademark in journals before final registration.

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