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Trademark Classification in India

Trademark classification is the process of defining the goods and services while registration of trademark. It is very important to state your goods and services under the exact category otherwise will reject your application for registration. Trademark classification in India refers to 34 categories for goods and 8 for services. While filing an application for trademark registration, it is very essential to mark your goods and services under the correct category.

If it is not classified correctly then there may be a chance of rejecting your application. Moreover, these trademark classifications also do offer the fair means for protecting your trademark from getting misuse. During the process of effective trademark watch these trademark classification codes help one in rechecking the list of already registered marks in correspondent to upcoming applications for trademarks in order to protect any type of further conflicting.

Here at trademarkregistrationinindia, brings you with the exact services for trademark classification that do not only offer the classification of your trademark goods and services but also submit your application for trademark registration. As the process of classification comprises of several complicated entries, thus it is always suggested to follow the services from any of the well known legal firm.

Well, here at trademarkregistrationinindia, you will find the complete services regarding trademark classification, filing, trademark drafting, registration and lot more from the section of company law services.

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