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Trademark Lawyers in Delhi

Trademark lawyer in Delhi is also called the trademark attorney, who acts in matters involving trademark law and practice. Trade mark attorneys are specialist legal professionals qualified to advise clients about protecting and enforcing their trade mark rights. Trade marks are used to identify a person's or company's services or products and may take many forms, including shapes, logos and company names. Trademark attorney in India provides advice and guidance and provide advice to companies on selecting a new trademark. Trademark attorney, not only deals with any opposition efficiently and effectively, but also they give solutions for trademark revocations.

We are a leading law firms in Delhi India, which offers trademark services at affordable price meeting the client's needs and budgets completely. We have a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals, who are very proficient and highly skilled in handling and dealing all types of trademark issues and cases completely and easily. The responsibilities of our trademark lawyers include advising on selection and adoption of new trademarks, filing, trademark revocation, prosecution and trademark registration, opposition, invalidation and assignments, trademark searches, logo design and advising on trademark infringement matters.

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