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Trademark Renewals

A Trademark renewal is the process of renewing your business mark before it gets expired. As per the trademark act section 45 and federal court, a trademark registration is applicable for the period of 15 years. This period of 15 years is from the day of registration or last renewal. On getting expiry; the registrar of trademark office issued a notice to trademark owner as per the trademark act subs. 46(2). Thus, it is important to get trademark renewal before the period of expiration of your trademark. Well, it consist some specific rules and regulations regarding how to proceed with trademark registration.

There are basically two ways to renew your trademark as mentioned below :
  1. On filing an application for renewal
    • If you want to edit any of the entries of registered trademark that you need to renew. Just needs to submit an application that defines the entry to be altered along with require fee payment.
  2. On paying fee payment
    • If you just need to renew your trademark without any alteration in your trademark entries, and then just pay the fees where the receipt of your fee payment contains the registration number of renewal trademark, the fee paid stamp and the contact details of payer.

Here at trademarkregistrationindia, you will find the complete packages of trademark services ranging from registration to filing and drafting to renewal. With trademarkregistrationindia, our expertise team of attorneys and lawyers make their clients with the best services under the complete satisfaction. Thus, if you are looking for any of the trademark services just fill up the below mentioned online form where we will back to you with best credential services.

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