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Trademark Search India

Trademark is the real distinction among the same group of business organizations and individuals those are dealing with goods and services. Trademark may be just a phrase or word or a symbol representing the whole institution at the first glance. Before registering a particular trademark, it's inevitable to search in order to avoid any future disputes over trademark registration. Trademark search India offers free trademark search only to provide information about the availability of trademark. The trademark search services are provided by trademark and patent attorneys and legal professionals those have years of experience in handling trademark search and trademark registration. Global Jurix, a leading trademark and patent registration firm based out of Delhi offers free trademark search and one can get the feedback within two working days of filling an application for trademark search.

India Trademark Search Services

India is the place where thousands of legal and trademark registration firms are present by well qualified and well trained legal professionals to offer trademark search services. Free trademark search is meant to provide right information about the availability of the proposed trademark for the betterment of prospective trademark owner. Trademark registration is a process and this process should be carefully followed in order to avoid the trademark infringement or any illegal use of trademark by other parties without the consent of the actual owner. Trademark search can't be avoided at any cost as it's the very first step in the process of trademark registration as per the Trademark Registration Act, 1999 of the Government of India. India is going to host many small and big companies in various sectors in the coming future and this has increased the need of trademark registration services a bigger area when it comes to creating your own identity in the corporate world.

IPR Services